The Tune Into English Roadshow

See videos from each year of the Tune Into English Roadshow…

2023 – 2024

2022 – 2023 2013 – 2014
2021 – 2022 2012 – 2013
2019 – 2020 2011 – 2012
2018 – 2019 2010 – 2011
2017 – 2018 2009 – 2010
2016 – 2017 2008 – 2009
2015 – 2016 2007 – 2008
2014 – 2015 2005 – 2007

Extracts from the Tune Into English Roadshow (in collaboration with Speak Up)

“Thank you very much for the best two hours of English I’ve ever had and I have been teaching for a long time.” 

Dott.ssa Tricia Nugent, Lettrice, Catania.

See photos on facebook

For further information on how to host the Roadshow at your school, contact


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