(Out of) Tune Into Ireland

From the English Club Magenta, (MI), March newsletter:

Casa Giacobbe (Sala Conferenze) at 9pm on 18th March 2015: Some of you will no doubt remember Fergal Kavanagh. He has been a guest speaker at the Club more than once. Fergal travels the country with his Road Show ‘Tune into English’ (website tuneintoenglish.com), intended for schools but which he did for us a few years ago. For those interested in the culture of Ireland, like us, Fergal has also presented ‘Tune into Ireland’ where he talks about the history of Ireland with the help of ta few traditional Irish songs. Since he always drops in to see us when performing at schools in the area Fergal will be with us for our meeting on 18th March . Since we have already seen his Tune into Ireland presentation twice, Fergal has suggested a new version –which gives more importance to the songs themselves. He will explain the origin of the songs and with the help of Sergio we will be singing them too! The evening is very special and we cannot keep it to ourselves! So please bring friends and relations: All we ask is a small contribution to expenses and to what is a ‘must’ in Irish celebrations – a Guinness! So come and meet the most ‘simpatico’ Irishman ever – our friend Fergal Kavanagh!

Don’t forget our March meeting next week dedicated to Ireland! Wednesday 18th March 9pm – Sala Conferenze Casa Giacobbe. You will meet our Irish friend Fergal Kavanagh with new version of Tune into Ireland.

The English Club

Facebook invite:
Come and celebrate Saint Patrick with us at the English Club!
You will meet our Irish friend Fergal Kavanagh, who often drops in to see us. He has prepared a new version
of Tune into Ireland and wants to try it out on us, accompanied by another dear friend of ours: Sergio Garavaglia.
There will be beer and ‘nibbles’ for everyone, so we hope to see you VERY soon!!!

Guitar: Sergio Garavaglia
Video: Nando Viganò

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