May 2007 - Tune Into English in Paestum
Dear Teacher,

There are only a few weeks now to the end of term, and in collaboration with International English Language Studio in Capaccio (SA), Tune Into English is preparing to celebrate. On Friday 1st June, I will be presenting The Tune Into English Roadshow at Covent Garden, Capaccio - I will then be DJing at the aftershow party. You are of course all welcome - you can download the invitation here.

The ancient Greek temples of Paestum are in Capaccio, as well of miles of unspoilt beaches, and it will be a holiday weekend, so this might be the ideal opportunity to take a well-earned break in the area. You can read more about Paestum on - from About Us, click on the link to many different fields, and finally tourist guides.

We have had our first ever international contribution to the downloadable worksheets page - thank you to James Ratcliff in France for sending us three great worksheets based on Lily Allen's songs - Alfie, Smile and the very summery LDN. Please note however that these worksheets may not be suitable for younger learners.

The Karaoke section has also been expanded, and now features over 100 sing-alongs, so be sure to let your students know!

I hope the last few weeks of term go well,

Best wishes,
Fergal Kavanagh

