Ist. Comp. “Teresa Confalonieri”, Naples – 30 March 2009
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Scuola Media “G. P.Gaspari”, Latisana (UD) – 26 March 2009
“Congratulations, Fergal, you have devised a great way of enhancing MOTIVATION. The shows were definitely successful. The students really loved the show, and a lot of them asked me to invite you again this school year! Most of them realized it was a different learning experience, something unique in their school life.” Prof.ssa Monica Bergamo
“Thank you for giving us and our students some hours of learning with fun! The comments were enthusiastic.
The girls in the third class especially enjoyed the songs, and many said that they were happy because you spoke slowly and clearly, so that they could understand, and that you led them gradually into the activities. In the second class the boys were especially satisfied for being able to get directly involved too!
It was really a very nice and useful experience for them and for us.”
Prof.ssa Elena Bonino
Scuola Media “G.Mazzini”, L’Aquila – 12 March 2009
“Thank you for the great show! We had great fun!!” Noemi and Angelo,3E
“It was a wonderful show, very involving. I love English and music so much!!!”
“I’m shy, but I sang all the time! See you soon… I hope!” Luna,3E
Liceo Scientifico “A.Diaz”, Caserta – 9 and 10 March 2009
“Learning English with songs is great. I didn’t understand those songs and now I can sing them without difficulty because I have learned all the new words.”
Maria Luigia Martucci
“I had a great time, above all when we sang my favourite songs – I learnt new words and understood that songs help us to learn English. I want to thank you and I hope we can see you again.” Simona II D
“The show was very successful and the students were enthusiastic about it. I truly believe in the didactic aim of this activity because it is not just fun as it creates awareness in the students who can exploit the songs to improve their vocabulary and pronunciation.” Prof.ssa Elena Capasso
Scuola Media “Fermi”, Rimini – 4 March 2009
“It was good to understand the songs when we tried to put the words of the list in the right order”
“I liked the show very much and I went on singing those songs and other English songs”
“I enjoy singing English songs with my friends in that way and also dancing…”
Scuola Media “Riccardo Sineo”, Sale (AL) – 26 Feb 2009
“My students enjoyed the show very much and one of them asked me ” Is there another show next week?” Unfortunately there was a TEST!
I think that teaching English through songs is a really involving method and am happy to have had the possibility of showing my students that English language is not only Grammar and books (3 English lessons a week is such a short time…)”
Prof.ssa Maurizia Guandalino
Istituto Scolastico Statale “C.Amoretti”, Imperia – 24 Feb 2009
“This lesson of English was amazing and fun… and Mr. Fergal is good-looking. Spero tanto che torni…mi sono divertita….thanks 4 all” Cristina
“Thanks Fergal, the show was a success!! My colleagues and the students liked it a lot – I hope to have you here again next year.” Prof.ssa Angela Topazio
Ist. Comp. “John Lennon”, Sinalunga (SI) – 29 January 2009
“Was that English grammar? I can’t believe it! An incredibly funny experience and a new way to learn English. I won’t forget it!” Francesca
“I think the show was fantastic. It’s a cool way to learn English!” Roman
“Before coming I thought it was going to be boring. I didn’t like English a lot, but you made me like it and wish to improve! Thanks a lot (from my teacher too)”
Mary, IIIB
“We had so much fun!! Great!!” “Music is a great way to learn.” “You are the best, Fergal, a myth!!” “Thanks for coming!” Various
Convitto Nazionale “P. Diacono”, Cividale Del Friuli (UD) – 27 Jan
“The kids left the gym asking me when Fergal was coming again! They really liked the show – everybody was miming, laughing, moving… They were having FUN! Thanks again. Dott.ssa Elena Borghi
Liceo Scientifico “M.Grigoletti”, Pordenone – 26 January 2009
“For me the show was very exciting and interesting. It was funny too, because everyone could sing by reading the music text and learning some more english words. The DJ was very funny because he found lots of strategies for make us sing and have fun!” Gabriel, 1H
“Exciting, interactive and at the same time educational.” Georgia, 1H
“It was all interesting and it gave me two hours of happiness.” Jessica Valeri, 1H
English Club, Magenta (MI), evening show – 21 January 2009
“Tune into English works on adults as well as kids, getting them out of the ‘classroom’ and into the real world.” Helen Pitt
“It was a great evening, I really had a good time and was very interesting to see how clever is this method. It helps people to learn English without any effort and I think is really good for learning new words. It would be nice if he could come again another time. As you can see I’m very enthusiastic, also because, even if I haven’t got a good voice, I love singing!!” Monica N.
Odiel High School, Gibraleón, Huelva, Spain – 8 January 2009
“We really had a good time, your presentation was absolutely great; it was fantastic as we could have real English in our school. We have asked our students and they all say they really enjoyed the “show”, it was something different and they are not used to it. Keep going!! We would really like to arrange something similar next year.” Prof. Rocío Flores Vides
“My students from 4ºA and 4ºE had a great time last week – they’ve asked me to invite you again soon!!!! This morning we saw in class one of the verbs you presented and they all knew its meaning! Thanks again.” Prof. Elena Vázquez
Istituto Comprensivo Roverbella (MN) – 16 December 2008
“Vedere questo spettacolo è stato molto divertente, i giochi con le parole erano coinvolgenti, era bella anche la musica. Mi sono divertito davvero molto.”
“Lo spettacolo è stato mitico, Fergal è riuscito a coinvolgerci – è vero, cantando si impara meglio la lingua inglese.” Madalina
“DJ Fergal, the best! E’ stato bellissimo… E’ stato un momento bellissimo perché ha coinvolto noi e sopratutto le professoresse ci hanno fatto cantare a squarciagola. Una sola parola: FANTASTICO!!”
“It was fantastic – the best performance of the year!”
“The show was wonderful and I’d like to do it again. The teachers had a good idea to do it.” Laura, 3A
I.S.I.S.S. “A. Manzoni”, Caserta – 13 December 2008
“Thank you for your Roadshow – it was really interesting, funny and a new experience for us. The final dancing was really great (the girls think you are so good looking!). We wish you Merry Christmas and a happy New Year with the hope to see you again.” Class 2° S
I.T.C. “F. Galiani”, Naples – 11 December 2008
“Thank you for the stunning and involving experience I shared with you and all my students this morning. I couldn’t stop singing along!!! We really enjoyed the show and our head teacher was enthusiastic! Before the end of classes she called me to tell me that it was the first time in 10 years that she has seen such a big group of our students having fun and working together on real language. We teachers also deeply appreciated the fact that other students also came over, showing great interest too.” Prof.ssa Anna Maria Brunetti
Scuola Media, Villa Santina (UD) – 27 November 2008
Troppo forte! Mi sono divertita tantissimo e penso che vado sul sito per cantare le canzoni. Questo è un bellissimo modo per imparare l’inglese! Sofia
E’ stata un’esperienza interessante perchè il dj ci ha stupiti, dato che , invece di farci scatenare con musiche e luci da discoteca, è andato con calma mostrandoci un nuovo modo di apprendere l’inglese ascoltando delle canzoni. Lo spettacolo mi è piaciuto. L’ho giudicato innovativo. Eric
Grazie dj Fergal. Abbiamo trascorso due ore bellissime. L’unica cosa che non mi è piaciuta è quando hai detto che la squadra più forte d’Italia è il Napoli. Forza Juve! Manuel
IPSCART “B.Stringher”, Udine – 26 November 2008
“We had a wonderful time, the performance was really excellent – for the very first time we really enjoyed English lesson! Thanks to you and our English teacher Prof.ssa Molinaro we finally understand that English is not only important but also a lot of FUN!” The Spice Girls of Classe 5F
Liceo Classico “E. Duni”, Matera – 20 November 2008
“We want to thank you for your show, it was fantastic. It was beautiful to sing all together and we learnt some English very quickly. Thanks again!”
The students of VA
Scuola Media “Verga”, Niscemi (CL) – 31 October 2008
“Although I am the director of a State Junior High School in Sicily, I began my career as an English teacher. The heart of the teacher is still living inside me, the enthusiasm of watching so many students all at once together, happy to stay at school. This is what happened to my students with Tune Into English. 120 students learning English through this interactive lesson using songs. The teenagers felt at ease with Fergal, he used famous and modern songs to achieve his goal of improving their English, building up a new lexical world through verbs and adjectives with a perfect rhythm. In addition Fergal used the strategies of contrastive analysis among words or analogies, to help the students to fix the sounds and the musicality of language. He is a D.J. of English because he treats the language as if it were a mixer, he passed from one word to another as a D.J. does from one song to another.
And finally the importance of the body at the end, letting them dance to give a memory of the event with all their energy, to let the language live inside them in a teaching sensitive method that they never want to finish.
In fact, at the end, nobody wanted to go home and the school became a party – this means I’ve partly achieved my goal of seeing my students eager to spend their time at school, a place of enjoyment and not a passive torture prison.” Preside Antonella Panarello