

Istituto Comprensivo “Pietro Mennea”, Barletta (BA) – 23rd May 2016

“È stato bellissimo! Ringrazio la prof per quest’esperienza :-)” Tommaso, student

Istituto “Sacro Cuore”, Rome – 19th May 2016 

“What a fantastic day! I want to thank you for your flexibility and fantastic energy. To hear my students swapping stories and telling their parents what a great time they had. I have never seen them so proud to know and understand English. Thanks Fergal!” Prof.ssa Dawn Boden

“Dear Fergal, Your show was absolutely AMAZING and the students enjoyed it a lot: I went to the classes the day after and they kept talking about it! The way you “teach” is involving, easy and really interactive. I think we will meet again as your show and you are the perfect combination between music and English and the students can learn a lot and have fun… And there is nothing better than that!” Prof.ssa Monica Sarale

Cinema-Teatro “Numana”, Numana (AN) – 11th May 2016 (Primary)

“A brilliant show! You have completely involved our students in the show with your energy. Thank you Fergal.” Maestra Catia Graf

Cinema-Teatro “Roma”, Portici (NA) – 22nd April 2016

“Every year the “Tune into English Roadshow” is a real gift for my students. The strength and appeal of music, plus the overwhelming energy that Fergal Kavanagh gives away with great generosity, are the perfect mix to involve everybody in a stunning experience. Thank you Fergal!” Prof.ssa Gigliola Marsala

Scuola Media di Bomporto (MO) – 13th April 2016

“Thank you Fergal – it was a great experience for everybody, we’ll have you again!” Prof.ssa Angela Colopi

Primary – Istituto Comprensivo “Porcu Satta”, Quartu Sant’Elena (CA) – 22nd March 2016

“Dear Fergal, It has been a very positive experience for each one of the students.” Maestra Giovanna Wiplinger Croce

“Hi Fergal, thank you again for your sparkling show – my pupils loved it very much!!! I asked them to draw a moment of the show that they loved best and one guy said ‘so I have to draw every moment of the show!!!’ 😀 😀 😀 ” Maestra Patrizia De Filippis

“Ciao sono Gaia della classe 4C. La tua esibizione è stata fantastica, mi sono divertita tantissimo. Mi è piaciuto tanto ogni singolo momento in cui ballavamo e cantavamo tutti insieme. Sei stato fantastico. E poi io adoro l’inglese.”

Istituto “San Giuseppe Calasanzio”, Sanluri (CA) – 21st March 2016

Fantastico appuntamento con lo spettacolo itinerante “Tune into English” di Fergal Kavanagh grazie al quale i ragazzi hanno potuto consolidare le loro conoscenze linguistiche attraverso alcune delle canzoni più famose e attuali. It’s been a really nice show, and my students have been texting me enthusiastic messages, so thank you again!” Prof.ssa Rosella Zoccheddu

Istituto Comprensivo di Albaredo d’Adige (VR) – 17th March 2016

“This way of studying English is less boring than studying in books.I would like to add some dance steps…..But I hate Justin Bieber!”
“I liked the show also because the showman was always smiling!”  The students of 2B

Istituto Comprensivo di Ronco all’Adige (VR) – 17th March 2016

“Fergal was ironic and happy, we have learnt something more (grammar and words) by singing.”
“It was a nice way to apply some rules of grammar to karaoke: the entartainment was constant.” The students of 3C

I.S.I.S. “Fortunato Fedele”, Agira (EN) – 4th March 2016


Scuola Media “Guidotti”, Modena – 11th February 2016

“Grazie per il meraviglioso spettacolo – energia, esperienza, professionalità, grande competenza e passione rendono unico e originale il Tune into English Roadshow!” Prof.ssa Tiziana Pietrafitta

I.T.A.S. “Natta”, Milan – 10th February 2016

“Dear Fergal, thank you from my students and myself. We really had fun. I got positive feedback from my students soon after the show. In fact they made me promise to have you again next year!” Prof.ssa Ornella Arena

Liceo Scientifico “Carlo Pisacane”, Padula (SA) – 4th February 2016
Italia 2 TV

Istituto Comprensivo “Marconi-Oliva”, Locorotondo (BA) – 15th January 2016

“Thank you Fergal! The feedback was amazing from my students!! You’re great, thanks for coming. Music is everywhere, and can definitely change our lives and learning.” Prof.ssa Lucia Martini

“The students are all over the moon! The show is a terrific opportunity for our students to improve their skills and have fun! Learning English has never been so creative and exciting! Thanks again, and I’ll do everything I can to host you again here! For our sake…” Prof.ssa Paola Masciulli

Scuola Secondaria di I° Grado “O. Calderari”, Vicenza – 27th November 2015

“Sicuramente da rifare! Un modo molto divertente per imparare l’inglese.”
“Se dovessi scegliere tra gli altri spettacoli visti e Tune Into English, sceglierei questo!”
“Spettacolo e canzoni molto carini, bellissima esperienza, da rifare.”
“Lo spettacolo è stato il più bello di questi tre anni. Ci siamo divertiti tanto.” The students

Istituto Tecnico-Economico “Galileo Galilei”, Arzignano (VI) – 26th November 2015

“What a great day we had yesterday. Thank you for all the fun and professional work. The teachers who where at the show stopped me this morning to tell me how ‘bello e divertente’ it was.” Prof.ssa Gianna Damo

Read students’ comments

Liceo Classico “Giacomo Zanella”, Schio (VI) – 25th November 2015

“Your show was a success and our students had great fun. Their comment: ‘we should have it at least twice a month, it boosts our motivation’.” Prof.ssa Franca Frizzo

Suola Media “San Carlo”, Rho (MI) – 24th November 2015

“The kids really enjoyed your show and have already asked me if I can organize it again next year..! :-D) I was told that some mums phoned the headteacher to say they really appreciated the idea of using music to teach English and that their children were enthusiastic. So, thanks again!!” Prof.ssa Francesca Morini

I.S.I.S. “Gaetano Filangieri”, Frattamaggiore (NA) – 16th November 2015

“Thank you Fergal from the Filangieri … you’re great! …. Your show was very funny and instructive, too! Our students (and teachers :-D) enjoyed it a lot! Thanks again and best wishes from all of us!” Prof.ssa Armida Truppi

Liceo “Regina Elena”, Acireale (CT) – 3rd November 2015

“Dear Fergal, both teachers and students were happy after the show…I am grateful you make them feel English as a living thing, and you help them release their energy and vitality.” Prof.ssa Graziella Spina

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