Liceo Scientifico “Innocenzo XII”, Anzio (RM) – 21st May 2015
“Thank you for your energy!! My students were really enthusiastic this morning and asked me to listen to more music. I have learnt much from your style but what I like most is your friendliness. Come back soon, my friend. ” Prof. Luca Ceccotti
Istituto “Sant’Anna”, Moncalieri (TO) – 12th May 2015
“Thank you so much for the experience you gave us. It was amazing and also useful to learn English.” Prof.ssa Elena Zulian
Scuola Media “Lanfranco – Guidotti”, Modena – 22nd, 23rd April 2015
“Spettacoli unici e ricchi di entusiasmo e vitalità. Credo veramente che sia il più grande spettacolo a fini didattici presente nelle scuole oggi! Una perfetta combinazione di contenuti e di divertimento.” Prof.ssa Tiziana Pietrafitta
Scuola Media “G.Petrassi”, Rome – 26th March 2015
“The students really enjoyed your lesson – this proves it: some of them asked me if it would be possible to have another lesson, and when I told them that they would have to pay they answered: ‘Sure, we’ll pay again, it’s worth it!’” Prof.ssa Gloria Graziani
Scuola Media di Via Beccaria, Cormano (MI) – 19th March 2015
“We thank you Fergal for your enthusiasm and the way you “teach” having fun at the same time!!! We hope to see you again next year with more students!!” Prof.ssa Loredana Leali
Scuola Media “Simone Da Corbetta“, Corbetta (MI) – 19th March 2015
“I just wanted to say that everyone, both the students and the teachers, was thrilled to bits this morning and really enjoyed everything you said and did during the show. All the teachers said that they would like to have a “private” roadshow for them. I am sending some comments I picked up in class 1G when I went back to school for my last period. The students now want to have a full lesson in which they learn through music, so I presume I’ll have to pick them up on that! 🙂 ” Prof.ssa Marella Corbani
Students’ comments School website
Scuola Media “Manzoni”, Marcallo Con Casone (MI) – 18th March 2015
“What a fantastic lesson! Fergal mi è piaciuto tanto e anche ai ragazzi. L’anno prossimo lo chiamiamo per tutte le classi.” Prof.ssa Lucia Marchetti
Scuola Media “Manzoni”, Mesero (MI) – 18th March 2015
“I ragazzi erano entusiasti e si sono divertiti molto. Fergal é davvero una persona che merita.” Prof.ssa Chiara Santucci
Cinema-Teatro “Roma”, Portici (NA) – 9th-13th March 2015
“Mi sono divertita un mondo. Grazie per avermi fatto vivere questa esperienza meravigliosa.” Student
I.T.I.S. “Alessandro Rossi”, Vicenza – 3rd March 2015
“Thank you so much, Fergal, for bringing some “fresh air” to our students!!! They all enjoyed your Roadshows and I had some enthusiastic feedback! Thank you very much for your energy, kindness and availability to work with us! Hope to have you again at “Rossi”!!!” Prof.ssa Roberta Magnaguagno
I.P.S.C.T. “F. Carraciolo-S.Rosa”, Naples – 27th February 2015
“It was amazing. We hope to see you again. Thank you so much! <3” Alessandra
“Grazie mille per questa esperienza MAGNIFICA e per la tantissima pazienza! <3” Alessia
Scuola Media “Zappa”, Bologna – 18th February 2015
“It was a pleasure to meet you and take part in your Roadshow. My students were very excited and when we went back to school they asked me “When is next show?”. Some of them took notes about all the songs they sang with you!” Prof.ssa Ivana Tropea
Liceo “Erasmo da Rotterdam”, Sesto San Giovanni (MI) – 13th February
“Thanks Fergal! When I look at my students’ smiling faces I feel happy. Some of them don’t even open their mouth when I ask them to repeat the Literature lessons… 🙁 ” Prof.ssa Livia Esposito
I.T.A.S. “A. Mantenga”, Mantova – 9th February 2015
“Questa mattina presso la palestra “Boni” le classi 2A,2B,2C economico e 2A,2B tecnologico hanno preso parte ad una coinvolgente attività linguistica “Tune into English” tenuta dal prof. e DJ Fergal Kavanagh. Gli studenti hanno interagito con entusiasmo con il performer, prima intonando alcune “hit”, poi lavorando su vari aspetti della grammatica applicata ai testi delle canzoni. Questo tipo di esperienza ha sicuramente reso i ragazzi consapevoli del fatto che esistano diversi modi di apprendere la lingua straniera, in questo caso utilizzando la musica, e di quanto questo possa essere gratificante e divertente!” Prof.ssa Flavia Ghidini (from
I.S.I.S. “Sandro Pertini”, Monfalcone (GO) – 30th January 2015
“Yesterday the Tune into English Roadshow was hosted at I.S.I.S: “Sandro Pertini” in Monfalcone for the third consecutive year. It was a fantastic experience and a great success: the students at the end of the second session did not want to leave the auditorium and kept on asking for one more song for at least 40 minutes! I am pleased to say that it has become now one of the highlights of the school year and both students and teachers look forward to it. Thank you, Fergal, for your energy, your enthusiasm and your motivating approach to English.” Prof.ssa Daniela Dodini
Istituto Magistrale “C. Percoto”, Udine – 28th January 2015
“I want to thank you for the beautiful show at Percoto: my students of the Liceo Musicale really enjoyed it, as usual.” Prof.ssa Francesca Capozzella
Istituto Comprensivo “Socrate”, Marano di Napoli – 15th December 2014
“Thanks Fergal! Our students really enjoyed the show…. it was something new for them! See you next year!” Prof.ssa Paola D’Amore
Scuola Media Statale “Ugo Foscolo”, Turin – 3rd December 2014
“Fergal, thank you very much. The show was as nice as always. You were able to motivate a girl who didn’t do anything in three years, so I found a way to make her interested in English!!” Prof.ssa Gisella Angelico
Trinity College meeting, Salerno – 24th November 2014
“Your way of teaching English through music is really amazing. You were so funny, but extremely motivating.” Prof. Gianluca Di Martino
Just British, Bitonto (BA) – 22nd November 2014
“La serata di sabato 22 novembre 2014 è stato un momento bellissimo per tutti noi dello staff di Just British, un vero bagno di folla con tanti amici che hanno voluto condividere con noi un momento di festa e di allegria….culminato nello spettacolo meraviglioso di Fergal Kavanagh che ha regalato un’ora di pura genialità ai presenti!” Prof. Pasquale Mossa
Music and cognition in language learning symposium, Huelva, Spain – 6th November 2014
“I was there… it was amazing!!!!” Fran Juraíta
Liceo delle Scienze Umane “Regina Elena”, Acireale (CT) – 24th October 2014
“I had great feedback on your show. All the students were very happy and teachers too! They said they enjoyed the show even more than last year…” Prof.ssa Graziella Spina