University of Huelva, Spain – 29th May
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Istitito Comprensivo “Michelangelo”, Bagnoli (NA) – 16th May (Primary)
“Thank you for you great show. All our students were so enthusiastic that at the end of your performace they asked:”Can we attend the show next Thursday again?” To see brightness and happiness in their eyes made me one of the happiest teachers. Motivation is the only key in everyone’s life.” Maestra Linda Felicità
Scuola Media “L. Luzzatti”, Azzano X (PN) – 10th May
“Thanks a lot Fergal, it was a real pleasure to meet you and your show. I can tell you that it was a success, many children told me that as well as many of my colleagues…” Prof.ssa Luisa Bledig
Scuola Media “Pordenone Centro”, Pordenone – 9th May
“First of all, I’d like to thank you again for the amazing show in Pordenone. My classes, who were in the first group, were so excited that they didn’t want to go back to school because they wanted to watch the second show, too! Their response was incredible and the following day, during my lessons, I could not but talk about you and your show. I love the way you teach and entertain students: it’s an explosion of energy and enthusiasm!
Secondly, I also teach a group of adults – I told them about you, your show and your website. They now know they can visit your site and sing their favourite Beatles songs. Maybe they don’t know who is or who The Black Eyed Peas are but ……… they now know who Fergal Kavanagh is!!” Prof.ssa Emanuaela Durigon
Scuola Media “G. Lozer”, Pordenone – 6th May
“Thanks for your energy and for your contagious enthusiasm!” Prof.ssa Enrica Turreni
“Dear Fergal, my students had great fun and so did I. You’re fantastic! I’d like to have a workshop like this more often. My students said: “Prof, fa venire Fergal anche domani?”. Sorry I couldn’t tell them: ‘I will!’” Prof.ssa Andreina Dolcet
ISIS “Bonaldo Stringher”, Udine – 4th May
“Dear Fergal, Thank you for the great shows, my students liked them soooooooo much! Lots of them told me they were enthusiastic about you!!!! As for me, I can tell you that it was great fun for all of us. I kept on singing the songs all day and showed my 9 year old daughter how much fun her mum had had during the morning through the videos of your shows in your site!!!!” Prof.ssa Maria Grazia Piovesan
“Dear Fergal, my students and I want to thank you for the wonderful two hours we had with you last Saturday. They were all enthusiastic. We will be glad to repeat the experience next year.” Prof.ssa Monica Paolone and 1^B, 2^B and 2^D Alb. Stringher
Treviso Prison – 3rd May
“The students here at Santa Bona who came to your show told me how much they enjoyed it. They said that you “brought a bit of happiness to a place that is otherwise extremely dull and where sadness, sorrow and despair ooze out of every brick”. Even today somebody who I only see on Fridays was praising you and saying that he had a great time. One of them, in the second show, was glad he took part in the dance activity. He said he was very shy at the beginning but then soon got involved and just had fun. On behalf of those who came and specially from me, a very big thank you.” Prof.ssa Giuliana Santamaria
Scuola Media “S.Giotto-Monti”, San Giovanni a Teduccio (NA) – 24th April
“Hi Fergal, my students enjoyed the show so much – they loved your energy and they were really happy and excited to spend two hours singing doing grammar, civilization in that amusing way. They are already thinking of having another meeting with you next year. Thank you!”Prof.ssa Giovanna Mottolese
Liceo “Silvestri”, Portici (NA) – 24th April
“Dear Fergal, thank you. My students really enjoyed the show. You were able to communicate a lot of energy, apart from teaching grammar and words through songs and I think that, in times in which young people need positive energy and not just false idols, initiatives like yours are always well accepted. I also liked the fact that you did not allow mobile phones. As soon as I have some time I will surely check all the possibilities of continuing your activities. I was once a fan of an English man who did a similar work as you do on TV and radio but the quantity of work you did for the show of today is really astonishing. Thank you again.”Prof.ssa Emilia De Paola
“I had so much fun at the Cinema Roma – you made it so damn fun, I love English and I knew every song you played! Thank you so much and I hope you come back next year!”Serena (student)
Scuola Media “Carlo Santagata”, Portici (NA) – 9th April
“The Roadshow was exciting, as usual. Your energy flowed in rivers of enthusiasm, involvement and fun. My students were really satisfied. Coming back to school they thanked me a lot for the experience. And now I thank you for giving us the chance to meet you in Portici. See you soon. The “Carlo Santagata” school will be waiting for the next Roadshow.”Prof.ssa Gigliola Marsala
Bellissima iniziativa…. è cosi che i ragazzi dovrebbero fare lezione!! Con la musica apprendono di piu’ si divertono e sopratutto memorizzano.. mia figlia ha partecipato ed è tornata entusiasta magari ci fossero piu’ eventi di questo genere aiuterebbe le insegnanti nelle loro materie … ma sopratutto gli allievi!!” A parent
Istituto Professionale “Caracciolo-S.Rosa”, Naples – 26th March
“I am happy to have invited you. The feedback from the students was good: they said they REALLY enjoyed the show-lesson and would like to see it again… My colleagues were enthusiastic as well and someone said: “we need that at least once a month”!”Prof.ssa Paola Mazzarielli
Scuola Media “G.B. Grassi”, Uggiate Trevano (CO) – 20th March
“Our students are very happy about the show they told me it was fantastic – we have to repeat it this year !!!”Prof.ssa Lorella Bencastro
Istituto Comprensivo Statale di Coriano (RN) – 27th February
“Thank you, Fergal. I have seen a lot of enthusiastic faces and this proves, once more, that the Tune show works!”Prof. Riccardo Michelini
Istituto Tecnico Statale Commerciale “Carlo Matteucci”, Forlì – 27th February
“Hi Fergal, thanks again for your performance; it was awesome, I really appreciated the effective combination grammar and music, it worked really well. All the students appreciated your endless energy.”Prof.ssa Patrizia Luslini
Scuola Secondaria Di Primo Grado “Patronato Leone XIII”, Vicenza – 20th February
“Thank you for your show, it was great. My students were very happy with it as they felt involved in the activities and had great fun. In my opinion this workshop was very positive for students and probably the best ever since I started teaching English.”Prof.ssa Silvia Benazzato
Istituto Comprensivo “Francesco D’Assisi”, Milan – 7th February
“Dear Fergal, thank you for your RoadShow in Milan. I was glad that almost all of the students were present today despite the winter flu epidemic. They really enjoyed the show: it was really good to ask them to give answers showing the right number with their fingers. I liked the songs you chose and I think everything worked out very well. I find your guessing games and activities very imaginative. Best wishes.”Prof.ssa Valeria Taddei
“Thank you for the nice performance: very nice songs and a good interaction My students and I really appreciated it . They were very enthusiastic!”Prof.ssa Letizia Luinetti
Istituto Comprensivo Statale “E. De Amicis”, Marcallo con Casone (MI) – 6th February
“Thank you for all the energy you charged into each of us: the students, the teachers and even.. the headmistress! She was delighted!! We had very positive feedback during the scrutini! :=).”Prof.ssa Marella Corbani
Scuola Secondaria Di Primo Grado “Indro Montanelli”, Boffalora Sopra Ticino (MI) – 6th February
“Wow! A fantastic show and a different way of learning English also dancing and singing. You received positive comments also from my headmaster!”Prof.ssa Fiorella Serra
“We were involved into the show….we sang and danced!”
“Fergal’s show was a special English lesson: he wanted to teach English with music.I enjoyed the show so much because listening to music is the thing I like the most.”
“First Fergal showed us some words on the white board and then we had to listen to a song and understand the words order. I liked this idea so much!”
“I liked his energy and his enthusiasm.”
“I liked his way of teaching English through songs.”
“An unforgettable English lesson!”
The students
IIS “Gandhi”, Villa Raverio (MB) – 5th February
“It’s always a pleasure having u at school doing English lessons in the best way we could ever learn a language! =)” Francesca, student
ICS “Michelangelo Buonarroti”, Palermo – 1st February
“Thanks for the photos. Looking at the students’ faces ….. They seem to have enjoyed the show a lot. I did too. You’re great and I hope to host Roadshow once again. Again thanks for your great job.”Prof.ssa Raffaella Aiuppa
Liceo Scientifico “Assteas”, Buccino (SA) – 28th January
“Here is the drawing my students produced to advertise your show during the school’s Open Day. This is how they feel while attending your Tune into English Roadshow!”Prof.ssa Giuseppina Lordi
Liceo Scientifico “F.Buonarroti”, Pisa – 18th January
“I would really like to thank you for your shows. My students, who were there on Friday 18, enjoyed the experience very much, also because you were extremely good at involving them in your motivating activities.”
Prof.ssa Ivana Foti
Fergal, the Roadshow in Portici was exciting, as usual. Your energy flowed in rivers of enthusiasm, involvement and fun. My students were really satisfied. Coming back to school they thanked me a lot for the experience. And now I thank you for giving us the chance to meet you in Portici. See you soon. The “Carlo Santagata” school will be waiting for the next Roadshow.
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