

Liceo Scientifico “G. Spano”, Sassari – 27 May 2008

“I’d highly recommend the roadshow to all school grades because one is never too young or too old to learn how to have fun learning a foreign language. And when you are having fun you won’t feel the pressure of doing an assignment.
The T.I.E. roadshow in Sassari was terrific (“a blast” in John Travolta’s words from Grease). Students and teachers alike got involved and learnt some important tips while singing at the top of their voices.
I particularly appreciated the way Fergal got the students to remember new vocabulary by simply focusing on their rhymes. And the amazing thing is that my students could recall those words days after the show. So this means they have learnt them.
Summing up: amazing show, charming host, gripping songs and catchy tunes.
We’d do it over and over again!” Prof.ssa Antonella Porcu

Istituto Scolastico Statale “C.Amoretti”, Imperia – 14 May 2008

“The students really liked the show they said it was the most interesting lesson of English they have ever had!” Prof.ssa Angela Topazio

Liceo Linguistico “Mamiani”, Pesaro – 9 May 2008

“It was great experience because we could understand the words of some songs we already knew. Fergal was really good.”

“He made us enjoy ourselves. He was able to choose songs we knew, so this means he understands us. We also learnt a lot of things about pronunciation, but it wasn’t hard because we were having fun at the same time.”

“The show was really original and great fun. I knew that singing was useful to learn English, but now I realize it’s true. I really enjoyed working as part of a team and Fergal was good at making us sing together.”

“I think it is the best show of the year.”

Liceo “Regina Margherita”, Salerno – 29 April 2008

“It was a very exciting experience, I will do it again if possible, so I thank my teacher!” Oriana 2L

“Now everytime I listen to music I try to understand the song’s words to learn English in the best way like Fergal told us! I’d like to do it again!” Valentina 2L

“It was very fun singing the English songs with all my class and repeating the grammar listening to music.” Alessia 1L

6° Circolo “Raffaele Girondi”, Barletta (BA) – 11 April 2008

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Scuola Media di C. Croce, Turin – 1 April 2008

“Music is one of the most effective ways to learn a foreign language while enjoying it. You enhanced our desire to learn more about your culture by using your technique.” Prof. Rosalba Boschiazzo and class III M

Scuola Media “Assarotti-Quasimodo”, Pra (GE) – 6 March 2008

“My students had a great time and I thank you mostly because you made the “shy little girls” go wild… (their mums have come to thank me).” Prof. Sabrina Quaglia

Sc Secondaria di 1° Grado “Cante”, Giugliano(NA) – 3 March 2008

“E’ stata un’esperienza favolosa! Fergal ha aumentato la mia passione per questa lingua. Grazie!” Amy, 1 B

“I liked the show very much! It was very useful for my pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar. We used English with a native speaker in a real situation!” Cristina, 2 B

“Le due ore trascorse con Fergal sono state per me un piccolo viaggio alla scoperta di quanto possa essere piacevole imparare l’inglese.” Marika, 2 I

“Lo show è stato uno dei momenti più belli della mia vita! Fergal ha saputo catturare la nostra attenzione per due ore, sorprendendoci con attività e canzoni stupende. Come back soon, please!” Pia, 2 I

“Dear Teacher,
Don’t miss the chance of having the Tune into English Roadshow at your school!
You’ll see the exceptional Fergal involving your students in very motivating, interesting and funny activities for two unforgettable hours.
You’ll see your students enjoying themselves while learning and improving their English. They’ll rhyme, match, guess, repeat, learn new words, improve their spelling, pronunciation and grammar while smiling, laughing, singing and dancing. They’ll thank you for this unique opportunity. They’ll keep humming the songs and asking when Fergal is coming back to school for days!
You’ll be given a fresh insight into your teaching approaches and techniques. You’ll have a very good time yourself, singing and dancing together with your colleagues and students.
At the end of two intense hours we were all asking for more!
Thank you once again, Fergal!”
Prof.ssa Mena Bianco

Liceo Scientifico “Principe Umberto”, Catania – 28 February 2008

“I liked it a lot, because it involved me. While listening to the songs, we also paid attention to grammar. It was good because we worked together.” Emanuele

“I really liked this activity because you can learn English soon and easily. Group lessons are the best: when we sing together we enjoy ourselves a lot.” Giuliana

“Thank you very much for the best two hours of English I’ve ever had and I have been teaching for a long time.” Dott.ssa Tricia Nugent, Lettrice

Liceo Scientifico “Vercelli”, Asti (TO) – 14 February 2008

“Una mattinata indimenticabile: Fergal è riuscito a trasformare una semplice lezione di inglese in 2 ore di apprendimento simpaticissime. Se le lezioni fossero sempre così, non avrei il debito e saprei parlare questa lingua perfettamente.” Andrea, 1F

“È stato piacevole e mi piacerebbe ripetere l’esperienza. mi è anche servito ad incrementare il vocabolario del mio inglese.” Elena, 1F

Scuola Media Statale “ Ugo Foscolo”, Turin – 13 February 2008

“The greatest pleasure was to discover that I can learn a lot and enjoy myself at the same time.”

“I enjoyed the songs, the music, the vocabulary and grammar references too BUT what I liked better than anything else was the audience’s involvement.”

“I’ll surf your website with my parents, maybe they can learn some English with me too.”


“We hope you can come to our school again!”

4° Circolo “A.Gramsci”, Nichelino (TO) – 12th February 2008

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Istituto Comprensivo “John Lennon”, Sinalunga (SI) – 9 February 2008

“A fantastic show! There was only one problem: It was too short!!! Thank you Fergal!!! One of the best ways of learning English. Have you got any suggestions for French, Maths, Italian…? Our listening abilities have been improved!”
Class IIIA

“We really loved it …..Let’s do it again!!! We improved our pronunciation, learnt new words, and learning grammar has never been such fun… but the time went by too quickly…” Class IIIB

“The show was a great success among the students (and also my colleagues were impressed by it.) Most of them, however, thought two hours was too short :so, Fergal…you have to come again!” Prof.ssa Carla Marsili

L.Scientifico I.S.I.S. “Einaudi”, Dalmine (BG) – 1 and 2 February 2008

“Toall colleagues and students interested in…. “What’s Fergal’s show?”
It’s a show, a great show which is made so great by its strange floyd named Fergal.
The show is motivating, stimulating and helps people to share English language and music.
The ingredients might be obvious but the mixture is well balanced: self-confident and shy people (teachers and students) find themselves involved in something unusual which makes the English language taste brighter or …less bitter.
Foreign languages are made of sounds, colours, tastes, moods and that’s what Fergal tries to teach us.
Nearly 400 of our students were involved in the experience on February 1st and 2nd 2008.
Now the problem for us is…. “how will we manage the remaining amount of students for a new show?”, because others have been very stimulated by the boys and girls who have told them about Fergal’s performance.
That’s Fergal fever!
I hope all site visitors will book Tune Into English and enjoy the Roadshow. It is really worth while!
Thanks Fergal, I wish you you could always turn it on again!”

Prof. Giulio Cestari – docente Liceo Scientifico ISIS “Einaudi” Dalmine (Bg), membro Commissione Lingue, responsabile orientamento Scuole Medie

I.S.I.S. “R. D’Aronco”, Gemona di Friuli (UD) – 30 January 2008

“It was easy because Fergal talked slowly and his pronunciation was very clear! It was fun to sing along and the time went by quickly.”

“The activities were useful, enjoyable and interesting. We learned a lot of new words and the meaning of a lot of songs.”

“It was a good occasion to revise the topics learnt in class. Next year we would like to repeat this experience.”

“The show was fantastic!”

Istituto Universitario Orientale, Naples – 29 January 2008

“It was a fantastic show… I had so much fun that I couldn’t stop singing the songs after the show… it’s a wonderful way of improving your English!” Giuseppe, II Year, Lingua e Traduzione

“I’m still using the words I learned and singing the songs from the show (I really enjoyed the Irish one!)” Monica, III Year, Lingua e Traduzione

“Ho accompagnato un’amica studentessa alla lezione/spettacolo Tune Into English all’università Orientale dove mi sono laureata molti anni fa….divertentissima e molto efficace!!!! Un solo rammarico: ai miei te
mpi le lezioni universitarie non erano così divertenti. Se così fosse stato non avrei perso un’ora di lezione! Bravo prof. Fergal!!!!” Fiorella Squillante

IstitutoComprensivo,Prepezzano (SA) – 23 January 2008

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Istituto “Ghislandi”, Breno (BS) – 17 January 2008

“I think that Fergal’s show was an incredible experience and his idea of teaching English with pop music is wonderful! I hope to repeat this because I enjoyed myself a lot.” Veronica 2E

“My students are really enthusiastic about the show and our headmaster was very satisfied.” Prof.ssa Patrizia Funari

Scuola Media Statale “Fermi”, Udine – 13 December 2007

“Secondo me è stato molto bello! Abbiamo imparato nuove parole cantando e facendo giochi. Un bel modo di imparare divertendosi.” Marta

“Secondo me lo spettacolo di giovedì è stato molto interessante perché ci ha fatto capire, anche se noi lo sapevamo già, che con le canzoni inglesi si possono imparare termini nuovi e perfezionare la pronuncia. Si può anche giocare, come abbiamo fatto.” Marco

“È stato molto bello perché abbiamo imparato giocando, ascoltando, cantando. Era divertente anche trovare le rime e i contrari, è stato un modo nuovo per incontrarci e imparare insieme.” Chiara

“Lo spettacolo mi è piaciuto tanto perché si cantava e si parlava in inglese. Per me Fergal è un grande.” Antonio

Scuola Media Statale “G. Bianchi”, Codroipo (UD) – 12 December 2007

“The performance was very exciting. The activities were very involving and we had A LOT OF FUN!.” Valeria and Mattia 3C

“I had so much fun – it was a beautiful experience…I hope the Roadshow will come back to Codroipo!” Sharon 3C

“The students were so enthusiastic! My colleagues (not only the English teachers) were also very impressed by the show.” Prof.ssa Angela Dessy

Liceo Classico “E.Duni”, Matera – 16 November 2007

“The show was amusing, because we sang together! I think this method should be used during the lessons at school!” Elena 5B

“The show was very useful because I learned that I can improve my pronunciation with modern music. I hope we can do it again!!!!” Alessandra VB

“Lessons are boring, but this show was fantastic and I hope we can see it again.” Maria Chiara 5B

“I’m sure that I will learn English very well because I love music. I think that this is the best way to interest teenagers in the language.” Antonio 5B

“The show made the students aware of the power of the magic combination that words and music can have in their English learning.” Prof. M.Michela Papapietro

I.I.S. “M.K.Ghandi”, Villa Raverio (MI) – 9 and 10 November 2007

“My students enjoyed the show very much and also improved their self-confidence in using English. They asked me to organise it again next year!”
Prof.ssa Alberta Nobili

Scuola Media “Faré” , Lissone (MI) – 7 November 2007

“We felt involved and enthusiastic. We improved our pronunciation and understood the meaning of some unknown words. We think that music can be an easy way to learn a foreign language.” The students

Liceo Linguistico Mamiani, Pesaro – 26 October 2007

“The show with Fergal was fantastic!” Francesco, IA

“It was really great to sing and learn at the same time, to improve my English.” Linda, IA

“The show was fantastic and fun! I hope we can do it again.” Giulia IA

“I loved this show and I want to do it again.” Elisa, IB

Liceo Classico “Ovidio”, Sulmona (AQ) – 24 October 2007

“The Roadshow was a great success among the students – we will certainly have it again!” Prof.ssa Carla Della Serra

4° Circolo, Quartu Sant’Elena (CA) – 9 and 10 October 2007

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